Inspiring Hope

A Debt Reduction Campaign

Phase 1_Tree Close Up.jpg

Opening Doors of Possibilities

The SEED (growing work) began with House of Neighborly Service and 13 local churches in 1961 with the mission of helping neighbors in need.

The TREE began to grow even larger as other non-profits joined together with this mission of collaboratively working to strengthen families, change lives and positively impact our community.

This year, 2024, marks a decade of collaborative service to our community!

As we commemorate ten years at the Loveland Life Center, House of Neighborly Service is excited to launch Inspiring Hope, a debt reduction campaign.

A beautiful tree in the Life Center Lobby is being created by two local artists, Amelia Furman and Heather Rubald, to serve as a visual representation of Inspiring Hope and the story of the Life Center.

Donate today to support the work of the Life Center, home to nonprofit ministries and organizations dedicated to serving the community.


Come and see this work of art in person!

Saturday, September 21, 10am-4pm, Loveland Life Center, 1511 East 11th Street

Join us for an Open House to enjoy refreshments, meet the artists, and explore the Treasure Exchange Thrift Store.

Would you like to lend a hand? Volunteer to create 3,000 more of these lovely leaves as you take part in this community-based artwork. Sign up for a two-hour session to gather, bind, and twist the next phase of leaves that will be added to the tree.

Important note: This project was fully funded by a special, anonymous family who cares! They believe that art inspires the heart and soul, and that this project will tell a story about a movement happening through a community of non-profits, volunteers and Life Center donors who are creating a kinder, more neighborly community through resources, help and HOPE!